Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

My good friend Chris from the Canadian Tire days (Watchu know about me working in the garden section watering all the pretty flowers?) started up a blog to display his artwork; Both visual and digital. I don't even know if that made sense, but I was just trying to sound knowledgable on the topic of artwork.

Last time I checked, his stuff was shown on Threadless.
I'm not too sure why all those Hipsters who commented were giving him a hard time over his design, considering his design was already on point. But what'evs.

Fun Fact: I remember him telling me he was partially color blind or something like that. Thats messed up!

Link: Here

1 Comment

  1. thespringsteen On February 23, 2009 at 1:14 AM

    That's actually pretty dope. I grabbed one of the wallpapers since I needed one. Good looking out, haha.