So we were supposed to explore the downtown core and find some new shit, but it was raining, so we just grabbed some free sugar-free Jello from Kennedy Station. Sooo not worth the post, but I got nothing to write about at the moment.
So I had this awesome idea to SERIOUSLY interview a homeless dude (preferably that one guy who holds the "Smile if you masturbate!" sign along Queen St. West) by bribing him with free Jello. Our first attempt didn't go too well. We randomly chose one of those dudes that shout out loud for no reason. I had no idea that those type of dudes do not respond when spoken to. Kinda messed. He barked at Keon when he saw the Jell-O though (0:15 of video).
Bare with me as I find something lol'able to post.
LOL guess those boots come in handy.